Service-Based Negotiation for Advanced Collaboration in Enterprise Networks

Calos Coutinho, Adina Cretan, Catarina Ferreira da Silva, Parisa Ghodous & Ricardo Jardim-Goncalves (Caixa Magica Software)

Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, January 2014

Web link

Investigating the Needs, Capabilities and Decision Making Mechanisms in Digital Preservation: Insights from a Multiple Case Study

Daniel Burda and Frank Teuteberg (SAP Research);

Information Resources Management Journal, Volume 26, Issue 3

Available online here

Preservation and Redeployment of Sensor Acquisition Processes from a Dam Safety Information System

Anja Bachmann, Martin Alexander Neumann, Hossein Miri, Jose Barateiro, Goncalo Antunes and Artur Caetano;
5th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing as part of IC3K, the International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management.

icon paper (115 kB)

Digital Preservation of Business Assets as a Risk Management Strategy

Carlos Coutinho, Caixa Mágica Software
OSDOC '13 Proceedings of the Workshop on Open Source and Design of Communication, Pages 46-48, ACM New York, NY, USA ©2013
ISBN: 978-1-4503-2255-3, doi>10.1145/2503848.2503858

iPres 2013

iPres 2013, 2-6 September 2013, Lisbon, Portugal, 

TIMBUS papers. Presentations to follow.




A Framework for Verification of Preserved and Redeployed Processes

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icon presentation (945 kB)

Tomasz Miksa, Stefan Pröll, Rudolf Mayer, Stephan Strodl, Ricardo Vieira, José Barateiro and Andreas Rauber

On the Assessment of Preservability: Method and Application

icon paper (400 kB) (full paper) 

icon presentation (1 MB)


Diogo Proença, Gonçalo Antunes, Tomasz Miksa

A Framework for Automated Verification in Software Escrow

icon paper (400 kB) (full paper)

icon presentation (700 kB)

Elisabeth Weigl, Johannes Binder, Stephan Strodl, Barbara Kolany, Daniel Draws, Andreas Rauber

Digital Preservation of a Process and its Application to e-Science Experiments

icon paper (2 MB) (full paper)(best paper award)

icon presentation (2.3 MB)

Stephan Strodl, Rudolf Mayer, Gonçalo Antunes, Daniel Draws, Andreas Rauber

Leveraging DP in Commercial Contexts through ERM

icon paper (420 kB) (short paper)

Daniel Simon, José Barateiro and Daniel Burda