

  • The HEPiX Forum The HEPiX forum brings together worldwide Information Technology staff, including system administrators, system engineers, and managers from the High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics laboratories and institutes, to foster a learning and sharing experience between sites facing scientific computing and data challenges.
  • DigCurV A project funded by the European Commission’s Leonardo da Vinci programme to establish a curriculum framework for vocational training in digital curation.
  • WF4Ever Wf4Ever addresses challenges for the preservation of scientific workflows in data intensive science, including: (a) the consideration of complex digital objects that comprise both their static and dynamic aspects, including workflow models, the provenance of their executions, and interconnections between workflows and related resources, (b) the provision of access, manipulation, sharing, reuse and evolution functions to these complex digital objects, (c) integral lifecycle management functions for workflows and their associated materials. To address these challenges, the Wf4Ever project will investigate and develop technological infrastructure for the preservation and efficient retrieval and reuse of scientific workflows in a range of disciplines.
  • SCAPE The SCAPE project will develop scalable services for planning and execution of institutional digital preservation strategies on an open source platform that orchestrates semi-automated workflows for large-scale, heterogeneous collections of complex digital objects. by developing infrastructure and tools for scalable preservation actions; by providing a framework for automated, quality-assured preservation workflows and by integrating these components with a policy-based preservation planning and watch system. These concrete project results will be validated within three large-scale Testbeds from diverse application areas.

  • ENSURE (Enabling kNowledge Sustainability Usability and Recovery for Economic value)
    Drawing on motivation from use cases in aerospace, health care, finance and clinical trials, ENSURE will significantly extend the state of the art in digital preservation which to-date has focused on relatively homogeneous cultural heritage data. The use cases bring up a number of issues specific to digital preservation in the context of the industry and services sector: safely leveraging scalable pay-as-you-go infrastructure such as clouds, helping businesses understand the economic implications of preservation, conforming to regulatory, contractual and legal requirements as part of a whole workflow, managing long term integrity and authenticity of significant intellectual property or highly personal data, using off-the-shelf IT technologies to support the preservation of different types of digital resources.
  • ARCOMEM ARCOMEM’s aim is to help transform archives into collective memories that are more tightly integrated with their community of users and to exploit the Social Web and the wisdom of crowds to make Web archiving a more selective and meaning-based process.
  • Shaman (Sustaining Heritage Access through Multivalent ArchiviNg)
    The SHAMAN project develops and tests a next generation, long term digital preservation framework including systems and tools for analysing, ingesting, managing, accessing and reusing information objects and data across libraries and archives. It comprises the definition of the SHAMAN Theory of Preservation integrating the analysis, ingestion, management, access to and reuse of information objects across distributed repositories. The data preservation capabilities offered secure the authenticity and integrity of data objects through time.
  • Inspire
    The INSPIRE geoportal provides the means to search for spatial data sets and spatial data services, and subject to access restrictions, view and download spatial data sets from the EU Member States within the framework of the Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE) Directive. Opportunity for collaboration on legal and DP issues. Possible training stakeholders and collaborators.
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