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Final Issue of the TIMBUS Newsletter Now Available

News Final Newsletter ScreenshotThe wait has ended: the final issue of the TIMBUS Newsletter is now available for download! Taking stock of the achievements of the project since 2011 and looking forward to the future of the TIMBUS tools and solutions, Volume 3, Issue 3 of the TIMBUS Newsletter caps off 4 years of research and development. Contributions from the TIMBUS tool developers and reflections on workshops and events give a picture of where the project has been and how it can shape the futures of digital preservation and business continuity management. Introducing the new web Portal, which will launch next week, the Newsletter gives readers information about where and how to access TIMBUS outputs after the project ends this year.

Final White Paper Released! Read more about the TIMBUS Context Model by Till Riedel

Riedel KITIn the fourth and final TIMBUS White Paper, Till Riedel explores the TIMBUS Context Model and shows how it is used to consolidate diverse information captured by multiple sources. At the centre of the TIMBUS architecture, the Context Model acts an information hub around which other methods and tools align. Completing the series of topical papers coming out the 4-year EU-funded research project, Riedel's synopsis of the Context Model provides the final piece of the TIMBUS puzzle. If you've missed any of the other White Papers, you can find them on the project website at

Applying the TIMBUS Approach at 4C 'Investing in Opportunity', 18 November 2014

TIMBUS Workshop Applying 4C 1 croppedCarlos Coutinho (CMS) presented a workshop on 'Applying the TIMBUS Approach' with Ricardo Vieira (INESC-ID) and Sara Day Thomson (DPC) at the international 4C Project & DPC Conference 'Investing in Opportunity' last week on 18 November 2014. Focusing on a broad presentation of the TIMBUS architecture and tool demonstrations of the TIMBUS suite of tools, the workshop showcased the mature results of the 4-year EC-funded research project.


TIMBUS Workshop Applying 4C Ricardo points MEDIUMIn the workshop, Carlos discussed the move from data-oriented preservation to process-oriented preservation, aiming to show the problems with current approaches to business preservation. Whereas formerly the main concern was to capture business data (e.g. databases and logs), the paradigm has now shifted to embrace the underlying business processes and to preserve the complete surrounding environment.


TIMBUS Workshop Applying 4C SlideJust under a dozen participants attended the workshop, finding the applications of TIMBUS to academic open source repositories the most compelling aspect of the project's approach. As the final training event before the end of the project, the workshop introduced the launch of the web Portal in December 2014 where the final outputs and tool information will be hosted by the Digital Preservation Coalition after the end of project.

For more information from this workshop, see the presentation slides here.


New White Paper on the TIMBUS Process by Stephan Strodl, SBA

Strodl SBATIMBUS has released a new White Paper on the TIMBUS Process. In this latest expose on the way TIMBUS works, Stephan Strodl provides insight into how TIMBUS meets an increasing demand for preserving the processes that manage and use data sets for the long term, such as scientific workflows and business processes. As Strodl explains, 'TIMBUS contributes to Digital Preservation by adding long-term availability and usability qualities to business processes, along with its data, supporting services and infrastructure, legal and organisational aspects.' Find the TIMBUS Process along with the other TIMBUS White Papers on the TIMBUS website: 


TIMBUS Exhibits at BCI World Conference & Exhibition, 5-6 November 2014

Wasif Gilani talks shop with a Conference delegateLast week TIMBUS exhibited at the Business Continuity Institute's annual World Conference and Exhibition. Over 300 delegates attended the Exhibition where TIMBUS shared the project's approach and promoted the tools and resources that will become available as the project nears its completion in December.